Views of the father of Ibn al Wahab Najdi With Scan

 Sulaymān Ibn‘Alī Ibn Musharraf  al Tamīmī al Najdī: 
He studied fiqh with his father, the author of the famous book al-Mansak , and he also studied with others. He gained religious knowledge, and also taught it. He wrote an explanation of some religious issues and it was recognised as being well-written. He died inthe year 1153 A.H.

He is the father of Muammad (ibn ‘Abdul Wahhāb), who was founder of the mission whose evil has spread across the horizon. However, there is an enormous difference between father and son. Indeed Muammad (ibn‘Abdul Wahhāb) did not reveal his missionuntil after the death of his father.

Some of the people whom I met have related from some of the people of knowledge narrations from the contemporaries of Shaykh ‘Abdul Wahhāb that describe his anger with his son Muhammad. This is because he had not agreed to study there religious knowledge of his ancestors and the people of his area. His father had a presentiment that some thing would happen because of him, and so hefrequently said to the people, “How much evil you are going to see from Muhammad.”Subsequently,what Allāh destined to happencame to pass.

Similarly, his son Sulaymān, the brother of Muhammad (ibn‘Abdul Wahhāb founder of wahabism),was also opposed to his mission.He refuted him emphatically with verses of the Holy Qur’ān and Aādīth, since the refuted one(Muammad ibn‘Abdul Wahhāb)would not accept otherthan these two sources. Nor would he consider the sayings of earlier or later scholars, whoever they may be, other than IbnTaymiyyaand his student Ibn al-Qayyim (al-Jawziyya). This is because Muammad Ibn‘Abdul Wahhāb considered their sayings to be explicitverses which do not accept interpretation and he used them in debate with the people, despite the fact that the sayings of these two figures contradicted what he understood.

Shaykh Sulaymān named his refutation against his brother ‘ Fasal-al – Khitāb fīl Radd‘alā Muammad ibn‘Abdul Wahhāb’ (The EmpathicSpeech on the Refutation of Muammad ibn‘Abdul Wahhāb). However, Allāh protected Sulaymān from the evil and deception of his brother, whose great influence spread threat far and wide. This is because if one contradicted and refuted him, and he was unable tokill him openly, he would send someone to assassinate him in their bed or in the market-place at night, since he judged whoever contradicted him to be a blasphemer and legalised their killing.

It has been said that an insane person lived in the town and among his habits was to strike whoever hecame across, even with aweapon. Muammad gave an order that this insane man was to be given a sword and admitted to the mosque where his brother ShaykhSulaymāns at alone.When Shaykh Sulaymān saw him, he was afraid.The insane man threw the sword from his hand and said, “O Sulaymān, do not be afraid; you are of those who are saved.” He repeated this many times and this is without doubt among the karāmāt.


1) Excerpted from:‘‘Al-Suubal-Wābila‘alā Darā’ih-ala Hanābila’[ Torrential Rain-clouds over the Graves of the Hanbalīs], page 275,published by the ‘Imām Ahmad Bookshop’.This book was published originally by the Wahhābīs in Arabic. There is a chapter in itabout Shaykh‘AbdulWahhāb and his son Muammad ibn‘AbdulWahhāb. TheWahhābīs did not realise that the text was critical of Muammad ibn‘Abdul Wahhāb and have subsequently altered it in a more recent edition.

2) The Muftī of the Hanbalī School of Mecca al-Mukarrama who died in the year 1295 A.H

3) i-e Wahabi mission

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